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"Denise Maryanski is truly an inspiration to those whose lives she touches. An amazing business woman with boundless energy, she will enlighten you, encourage you and empower you to reach your full potential! Her passion for life and the bond she shares with her horses combined with her ability and desire to teach women success strategies make this an experience you won't soon forget. Treat yourself to this enthusiastic and fun workshop...you will be so glad you did!!"

Judy Stuart
Customer Care Department
Professional Veterinary Products, Ltd.

Quiet Control Reins - "communicate with confidence"


The following article was featured in national equine magazines in 2007. Denise has continued to follow her passion in developing products and programs to help instil harmony between horses and humans. She looks forward to helping you "be the best you can be" through the equine experience!

A steep learning curve. My son, the equine vet, warned me I would be scaling it when I bought my first horse in middle age. Oh, sure, I had spent a few youthful summer weeks at a dude ranch, begged rides on ancient farm horses, and always asked for the prettiest rental horse, but I was entering a whole new world. After blowing out all those birthday cake candles and wishing for a pony my wish had come true! Technically she was horse, a pony at my size would be silly, but she was my pony none the less. She was also my pet. I am part of the new demographics of baby boomers getting into horses.

Getting into horses is not for the faint of heart. That steep learning curve includes a few rocky edges. During the first few months of ownership more time is spent at the tack shop than in the saddle. Most horses just don't come tacked up. Tack, an interesting word in and of itself. I remember calling my insurance agent to ask if my homeowners insurance covered my saddles, etc. and he left a message on my answering machine assuring me that my tackle was covered. Good to know when I take my horse fishing. Even though a career in sales had honed my communication skills this new language was just another huge rock on the curve. Not only understanding another horse person but the horse itself.

Our relationship with horses goes back thousands of years and yet there is always something new to learn. Communication is the foundation when building that relationship. Our voice, legs, seat, hands all transmit cues to our horses as a language. That language can be a positive or negative transmission of information. A famous clinician once told me that positive information experiences are like white balls placed in a basket and negative information experiences are like black balls. Horses are hard wired, sorry to say, to easily remember black balls so it takes ten times as many white balls to override a negative experience. We strive to fill that basket with white balls.

The reins are lines of communication. A connection between horse and rider on a very basic level. Yet, when these lines become busy they become ineffective. Our horses can become nervous, anxious, or just bored with the conversation. They can also become dangerous if the line is dropped. I designed Quiet Control Reins to aid in the transmission of information. An easy way to talk to your horse in a simple language.

Schutz Brothers of North Manchester, Indiana, manufacturers of world renowned working, training, and show equipment, produce Quiet Control Reins. Made of custom braided polypropylene by a certified supplier for the U.S. Government, and top quality harness leather the reins are make for years of use.

The original Quiet Control Reins are a continuous rein, NINE foot in length to give the benefit of multi use training plus great trail flexibility. Bit end attachments are weighted to give a pre signal on the bit or bitless bridle. The soft, yet super strong, braid is easy in the hand. Polypropylene is easy to clean and does not have that nylon burn. There are five leather markers on the reins and carry this instructional hang tag.

Quiet Control Reins - Communicate with ConfidenceQuiet Control Reins - Instilling Harmony Between Horse & Rider

Our reins are designed to build confidence in both the rider and the horse. Keeping you in harmony with your horse. Patent pending.

Eight foot roping reins without the leather markers and split reins with leather poppers are also available.

Ask your local tack shop, contact me, or call Schutz Brothers at 1-800-348-0576! They were featured at the Schutz Brothers booth at the WESA in Denver in January to an international market place! 

Quiet Control Reins may also be purchased from www.valleyvet.com or www.rods.com.

May everyday with your horse be the best day with your horse!